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Sensation and Perception // AP Psychology

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  1. Conventional hearing aids may restore hearing by:
  2. Eleanor Gibson and her colleagues have used the visual cliff to measure an infant’s ability to perceive
  3. The most common form of color blindness is related to deficiencies in the
  4. The place in the retina where the optic nerve exits to the brain is called the
  5. Climbing an irregular set of stairs is more difficult for an individual who wears a patch over one eye primarily because
  6. The general function of the bones in the middle ear
  7. The thalamus processes information from all of the following senses EXCEPT
  8. In bright light, the iris __________ and the pupil __________ to control the amount of light entering the eye.
  9. Frequency is to __________ as amplitude is to __________.
  10. The organ of hearing, where sensitive cells respond to auditory stimuli and produce neural impulses, is known as the
  11. The theory of color vision which states that the visual system analyzes information into "either-or" messages is the __________ theory.
  12. Sensory adaptation is normally most rapid for the sense of
  13. Closure, nearness, similarity, and continuation are categories of
  14. The tendency to fill in gaps in the perception of a figure is called
  15. The film Star Wars created illusions of depth by quickly changing images of the sizes of planets and starships using the pictorial depth cue called
  16. The analysis of information starting with features and building into a complete perception is known as
  17. Shannon reads Jason the words folk,’‘soak,’ and joke.’ Then she asks him, “What do you call the white of an egg? He replies by saying, ‘Yolk,’ when the correct answer is albumen (or simply, egg white). Jason gave an incorrect answer due to
  18. When you look at a green, yellow and black flag for one minute and then look at a neutral surface and see a red, white and blue flag, you are experiencing a
  19. A(n) _________ refers to the smallest change in physical energy between two stimuli that is recognized as different.
  20. The blind spot refers to the region of the eye at which the _________ exit the eye.
  21. Loudness is determined by sound
  22. As a bird flies towards you, you do not perceive it as growing larger. This is primarily due to
  23. Robbie is has been sitting in a hot tub for 30 minutes. He emerges and immediately jumps into the nearby pool. Robbie screams because he feels that the pool water is freezing. What phenomenon has caused Robbie’s surprise?
  24. ‘The whole is more than the sum of its parts’ is a statement reflecting
  25. Which of the following would involve sensory adaptation?
  26. A subliminal stimulus
  27. Which of the following is NOT a monocular cue for depth perception?
  28. The visual cortex is located within the
  29. Jason is attending a parade that features the local high school band. Jason’s friend Brent plays the trombone in the band. It is difficult for Jason to hear Brent play at the parade. Which of the following would best allow Jason to hear Brent’s trombone?
  30. After staring at a green, black, and orange 'American flag' for about a minute, an individual will see a red, white, and blue flag afterimage. Which of the following explains this phenomenon?
  31. Which of the following is a binocular cue for depth perception?
  32. Visual Acuity is sharpest in the:
  33. The human vestibular sense is most closely associated with the
  34. The psychological effects of alcohol are powerfully influenced by the user’s
  35. Which of the following is NOT a Gestalt principle of perceptual organization?