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People // AP Psychology

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  1. The two components of the Schacter-Singer theory that create emotions are
  2. B.F. Skinner and Noam Chomsky had two very different theories of how humans acquired language. Skinner explained language acquisition using ___________________ terminology, while Chomsky explained language acquisition using __________ terminology.
  3. Chomsky's ideas that the skills needed for language acquisition were largely innate illustrates the influence:
  4. Walter Cannon’s theory of emotion was significant since it argued:
  5. Paul Ekman’s research most closely aligned with:
  6. Which of the following stages were theorized by Elizabeth Kubler-Ross:
  7. David Weschler’s work has most clearly contributed to research on:
  8. Martin Seligman’s argued _______________________ most clearly led to the development of learned helplessness.
  9. Stanley Schachter’s research introduced _________________’s impact on emotion.
  10. B.F. Skinner is most well known for his research on:
  11. Yerkes and Dodson believed that unlearned/difficult tasks were completed best with a _________________ level of arousal.
  12. ________________________conducted the Strange Situation Experiment to test children's ATTACHMENT to caregiver in a novel setting (scientific lab). Researcher measured amount of exploration while mother was there and reaction when mother left and returned. Securely attached children explored, were upset when their mother left, and were happy to see their mothers return. Insecure attached children were anxious to explore and angry when mom returns.
  13. Pioneered client-centered therapy including ideas of unconditional positive regard and active listening.
  14. Developed test to identify French school children with special needs.
  15. The Asch effect has become synomymous with ______________ because of Solomon Asch's most famous research.
  16. Is a Neo-Freudian; theorized collective unconscious existed across cultures and there were a wide variety of archetypes (common symbolism) across the world.
  17. His theory helped explain the difference threshold. He stated that in order to tell the difference between two items, they had to differ by a constant proportion. Example: weight had to differ by 2%, light intensity 8%, etc.
  18. Wrote Principles of Psychology, the earliest psychology text. Was also known for advocating school of thought known as functionalism.
  19. Believed intelligence was largely controlled by a singular ability that he termed “g”
  20. Believed cognition in children occurred gradually and was influenced by the aid of important social figures like parents, teachers, and culture.
  21. Conducted the cognitive dissonance studies which showed that people who were paid LESS money were more likely to experience discomfort for completing a boring task.
  22. ____________________________ confrontational form of cognitive therapy was known as ______________.
  23. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross's psychological stages were most clearly related to:
  24. Hans Selye's general adaptation syndrome contains the following stages:
  25. Ivan Pavlov:
  26. Aaron Beck:
  27. B.F. Skinner REFUSED to speculate about the importance that _______________ had on an organism's behavior.
  28. John Watson:
  29. Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers:
  30. Carl Broca:
  31. E.L. Thorndikes "Law of Effect":
  32. Darwin's theory has had the most influence in explaining which of the following findings:
  33. David Hubel and Tostein Wiesel discovered these cells within the visual cortex responsible for detecting the lines, edges, angles, shape, and movement of a stimuli:
  34. The cortical cells' ability (within the visual cortex) to respond to different specific features of a stimuli was discovered by
  35. Yusef heard a sound in his bushes and immediately felt fear until he had time to think about it and realize it was just a friendly squirrel. Johnny initial emotion went directly to his amygdala while with time his frontal lobe engaged in thinking to change his emotion. Who emphasized these fast vs. slow routes to emotion?