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Final Review // AP Psychology

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  1. What perspective is this word/phrase most closely associated with: Jean Piaget
  2. 'Fight or flight behavior is associated with
  3. Transforming incoming information into a usable form is the stage of memory called
  4. The process of holding information in memory is referred to as
  5. A multiple choice question (like this one) makes greatest use of which type of memory?
  6. Gorging on food and then vomiting or taking laxatives to avoid gaining weight is called
  7. Which is an example of a projective test, consisting of a set of ambiguous pictures about which people are asked to tell a story?
  8. Sigmund Freud believed that dream analysis was a useful device for
  9. A formal definition of psychology is as the scientific study of
  10. Theory argues that organisms adapt over time to their unique environments.
  11. A(n) _________ refers to the smallest change in physical energy between two stimuli that is recognized as different.
  12. The key advantage of using a variable ratio schedule of reinforcement is that
  13. A Positive reinforcer seeks to _________ desired behavior. A negative reinforcer seeks to ________desired behavior.
  14. You go to a new fancy restaurant, and you are nervous because you are on a first date. However, since you have been to other nice restaurants before, you know that you will first be seated, then someone will take your drink orders, then you will have an appetizer, followed by dinner. If all goes well of the date, you may even stay for dessert! What is this an example of?
  15. Mice that lack the hormone ________ will continue to eat even when they are full of food.
  16. Authoritative parents tend to be
  17. The notion that development occurs in stages
  18. The personality of a child who is fixated in the anal stage tends to be excessively
  19. The key function of the ego is to resolves conflicts between the________ and the ________.
  20. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders is organized by
  21. A person who is confused and experiencing hallucinations and who has bizarre thoughts and blunted emotions is most likely suffering from
  22. Janet believes that all people are out to harm her, she perceives all interactions with others a threatening and has retreated to her own home. Janet’s irrational fear of social situations could best be explained by the _______ approach.
  23. Systematic desensitization is most often used to treat
  24. Insight therapy and behavior therapy are collectively known as
  25. This type of therapy emphasizes an individual’s free—will.
  26. Laura has an intense fear of spiders. Her therapist picks one up and lets it sit on her shoulder. The therapist is utilizing ___________________ therapy.
  27. The controversial aspect of Milgrams research was related to
  28. _________ refers to the state of conflict someone experiences after making a decision that is contrary to prior beliefs, feelings, or values.
  29. Which of the following is considered a disadvantage of naturalistic observation?
  30. The best way to study and compare the views and attitudes of atheists, Christians, and Muslims on abortion would be to conduct a(n):
  31. Drawing a random sample of people from a town for an interview study of social attitudes ensures that
  32. A sleep disturbance characterized by snoring, short silences, and gasps is called
  33. A puppy has begun to cry and bark in order to be let into the house. To extinguish this response, you would
  34. The rules for ordering words in sentences are called
  35. Which of the following accurately describes a major change in perspective in the field of developmental psychology over the past twenty-five years?
  36. According to __________, we face a specific psychosocial dilemma or crisis at each stage of life.
  37. The person responsible for the development and design of the first useful individual test of intelligence is
  38. According to Sternberg, which of the following types of intelligence in his triarchic theory are measured by standard IQ tests? I. analytic II. Practical. III. Creative
  39. Barika, who is 75, takes longer to solve problems that require abstract reasoning than she did when she was 35. This tendency indicates:
  40. The intelligence quotient (IQ) has traditionally been based on the relationship between an individual’s mental age and his or her:
  41. Which of the following disorders is most closely associated with excessive levels of dopamine?
  42. Which of the following is a characteristic common to all individuals with a narcissistic personality disorder?
  43. One who is quite concerned with orderliness, perfectionism, and a rigid routine might be classified as a(n) __________ personality.
  44. Set A’s data include 60, 56, 58, 62, 61, 59 while Set B’s data includes 60, 41, 76, 35, 65, 50. Which of the following is true of the two sets of scores above?
  45. A researcher randomly assigned boys and girls to each of two groups. One group watched a violent television program while the other group watched a nonviolent program. The children were then observed during a period of free play, and the incidence of aggressive behavior was recorded for each group. What is the independent variable in this study?
  46. Psychologists from which of the following perspectives of personality are most interested in assessing a person’s locus of control?
  47. What percent of test takers score within ONE standard deviation ABOVE OR BELOW the mean on a normally curved test?
  48. Ms. Neguta's class takes an exam and most of the class earns an "A" on the exam. Freddie and Claire, however, skip class that day and earn zeroes on the test. When Ms. Neguta calculates her average it will be lowered by the zeroes causing the test results to be:
  49. The mean score on a test will be LESS than the median score if:
  50. Eva had difficulty recognizing that a sea horse was a fish because it did not closely resemble her ________ of a fish.