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Social Psychology // AP Psychology

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  1. Which of the following factors probably plays the least important role in explaining why children often share the same political and economic values of their parents?
  2. Of the following, which would be a good example of a self-service bias?
  3. ________ is to an unjustified mental attitude as _________ is to unjustified negative behavior
  4. A teacher who is mistakenly informed that a student is learning disabled begins to treat that student differently from others. The teacher does not call on the student in class or help her with challenging material. The student's grades gradually decline. This result is an example of which of the following?
  5. Which of the following was true of Solomon Asch's experiments on conformity?
  6. According to the theory of cognitive dissonance, attitudes are changed because
  7. When subjects in Milgram's obedience experiments received their orders over the phone, they
  8. Which of the following is a testament to the power of roles?
  9. A compulsion by decision makers to maintain each other's approval, even at the cost of critical thinking and good judgment, is called
  10. Subjects in Milgram's experiment who gave large shocks rationalized that they were NOT personally responsible for their actions. This raises questions about our willingness to commit inhumane acts as a result of
  11. In general, helping behavior in emergency situations is discouraged by
  12. During his rise to power, Hitler blamed the Jews for Germany's economic woes. This is an example of
  13. When you have "clashing thoughts" that cause you to experience discomfort you are experiencing
  14. Cognitive dissonance theory is based on the human need for
  15. In the Milgram experiments, the study would end when
  16. In the Asch studies, which of the following produced a decrease in conformity?
  17. The process of cognitive dissonance motivates people to try and match their _________ and __________
  18. A person who labels another another driver as an “idiot” after that driver cut them off during rush hour would be said to show
  19. In an emergency situation, you would have the best chance of getting help from a
  20. The fact that many Americans do not approve of public nudity is most likely due to
  21. College students tendency to date and be friends with those in their residence hail supports this theory of attraction.
  22. According to Sternberg, the category of love known as________ has much passion and intimacy, but little commitment.
  23. Discrimination relates to _________ while prejudice relates to _________.
  24. To reduce cognitive dissonance, people must
  25. The tendency to emphasize internal causes and ignore external pressures when describing others behavior is known as
  26. Situationism assumes that ________ influences peoples behavior, feelings, and thoughts to a greater degree than innate personality.
  27. _________ refers to the state of conflict someone experiences after making a decision that is contrary to prior beliefs, feelings, or values.
  28. A landlord’s ACTIONS of refusing to rent an apartment to a homosexual is a clear example of:
  29. The results of Milgram's studies of obedience challenges the myth that
  30. A(n) _________ refers to one of several socially defined behavior patterns expected of a person in a particular setting or group.
  31. Research on stereotype threat indicates that students might not do as well as they can on a test if
  32. Solomon Asch’s findings on conformity might best be used to explain why
  33. People experience the greatest cognitive dissonance when:
  34. Donny recently performed below average at his soccer game. When attempting to explain the cause of his behavior, he realizes that staying up too late and studying for 2 final exams likely had an impact on his skills in the game. This attribution relates to a ____________________ explanation and is most relevant to the concept of _____________________________.
  35. Min Seo has recently been arriving to her first period classes 30 minutes late. Although her teacher explains her behavior as a result of being lazy and rude, Min Seo explains her lateness as due to having to take care of her little brother in the morning since her mom got a new job. Min Seo's teacher's attribution of Min Seo's behavior most clearly relates to __________________ while Min Seo's attribution of her own behavior most clearly relates to _________________________.