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Treatment // AP Psychology

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  1. Which of the following disorders is most likely to be treated with electroconvulsive therapy as a last resort
  2. All of the following are potential benefits of group therapy EXCEPT:
  3. Drew's depression seems an outgrowth of his belief that everyone should like him. If his therapist were to utilize RET, how might he proceed in treating Drew's depression?
  4. Antabuse is a drug that, when paired with alcohol in the bloodstream, brings about extreme nausea. For many motivated alcoholics, this has proven to be an effective treatment. Under which umbrella of psychotherapy would it most likely be found?
  5. The beliefs of the ancient Greeks such as Hippocrates and Galen about the cause of abnormal behavior was closest to which of the following modern approaches to psychology?
  6. Intense artificial light is most successfully used as effective therapy for
  7. The phenomenon of transference is a recognized component of which of the following therapies?
  8. Behavioral therapists emphasize which of the following in their treatment of clients?
  9. If a man who is a heavy smoker is given an electric shock every time he takes a puff on a cigarette, which of the following behavior-modification techniques is being used?
  10. The goal of rational-emotive therapy is to help clients
  11. According to Carl Rogers, the role of the therapist in person-centered psychotherapy is to
  12. The most appropriate use of electroconvulsive therapy is as a
  13. When a therapist attempts to see the world through the client's eyes and to feel some part of what he or she is feeling, the therapist is using
  14. Saying whatever comes to mind, even if it seems senseless, painful, or embarrassing, is part of the Freudian technique known as
  15. Humanistic therapies generally emphasize
  16. In client-centered therapy, the troubled individual is
  17. Benzodiazepine ___________ by _______.
  18. An important emphasis of humanistic therapy is on
  19. Systematic desensitization is most often used to treat
  20. According to humanistic therapy, who has the ability to heal the client?
  21. Long term treatment with antipsychotic drugs can create a disturbance of motor control, especially facial muscles, that is termed
  22. If Diane is seeing a biomedical therapist to treat her depression, she is most likely to receive
  23. The process of reuptake in SSRI medications refers to:
  24. The technique of free association was intended to
  25. The cause of anxiety, according to Carl Rogers, lies in
  26. _________ are the most commonly prescribed anti anxiety medications.
  27. _______ drugs work by increasing the activity of the neurotransmitters norepinephrine and serotonin which increase energy level and mood respectively.
  28. Behavioral therapists believe that both normal and abnormal behaviors develop
  29. Counterconditioning is based on the principles of
  30. Janet has a phobia for dogs, her therapist has her in a relaxing environment where Janet can watch a film with dogs, then watch as others interact with dogs, then stay in the same room as a dog, and eventually pet the dog. her therapist is using what type of treatment to overcome Janet's phobia of dogs?
  31. The key to making systematic desensitization effective is
  32. A psychologist describes the following steps to a client, while the client is practicing relaxation techniques, in order to treat the client's psychological disorder: 1. You are entering a large building. 2. You are pressing a button for an elevator. 3. You are stepping into an elevator. 4. You are watching the doors close after entering the elevator. 5. You are traveling five floors on the elevator. Which type of therapy is most closely associated with the technique used in this method?
  33. A therapist who emphasizes helping clients to identify and change irrational beliefs that underlie feelings of anxiety is using which therapeutic technique?
  34. The diathesis-stress approach would likely support which of the following statements about psychological disorders?
  35. Aaron Beck suggested that negative beliefs cause depression. To help change these negative beliefs, Beck used which of the following therapies?