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Testing and Intelligence // AP Psychology

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  1. Who would be the best norm group for the ACT or SAT college-entrance tests?
  2. A school curriculum built on Howard Gardner's theory of intelligence would provide
  3. The person responsible for the development and design of the first useful individual test of intelligence is
  4. The best summary statement regarding the role of heredity on human intelligence is that:
  5. Howard Gardner has theorized all of the following types of intelligence EXCEPT
  6. Sandra is below normal intelligence but she is able to tell you the exact day of the week of September 13, 1957. She has __________ syndrome
  7. The average twelve-year-old child has a mental age equal to
  8. A test is said to be reliable if it
  9. Which of the following is another word for reliability?
  10. Aptitude tests are designed to measure:
  11. According to Sternberg, which of the following types of intelligence in his triarchic theory are measured by standard IQ tests? I. analytic II. Practical. III. Creative
  12. A comparison of the scores of African-American test takers to the scores of European-American test takers on current popular intelligence tests such as Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale and the Stanford Binet indicates that:
  13. During development of standardized tests, questions that are answered correctly by almost all students and those that are missed by almost all students are eliminated. Why?
  14. The intelligence quotient (IQ) has traditionally been based on the relationship between an individual's mental age and his or her:
  15. In a normal distribution of test scores, the percentage of scores that fall at or below the mean score is
  16. Which of the following methods is used designed to determine the primary components of intelligence?
  17. A major contribution of Howard Gardner's theory of intelligence is that it:
  18. Mike scored 85 on a standardized test with a mean of 55 and a standard deviation of 10. At approximately what percentile did she score?
  19. Jonathan's IQ score is in the 97th percentile. Of the following, which score is most likely his?
  20. Alfred Binet was primarily concerned with
  21. Charles Spearman’s concept of g is most accurately defined as
  22. A teacher finds the distribution of scores on a final exam to be positively skewed with low variability. On the basis of this information, the teacher would be most justified in concluding that
  23. If a test taker scores one standard deviation below the mean, they are in the _______percentile.
  24. If a test taker scores three standard deviations above the mean, they are in the ______percentile.
  25. Ms. Neguta's class takes an exam and most of the class earns an "A" on the exam. Freddie and Claire, however, skip class that day and earn zeroes on the test. When Ms. Neguta calculates her average it will be lowered by the zeroes causing the test results to be:
  26. If a test is highly reliable, when two versions of it are compared to each other, researchers should find a _________ between the results of the two versions:
  27. John is comparing two variables and finds that the correlation is +.8. He would be justified in making which of the following conclusions:
  28. Which of the following is NOT true about a positive correlation between two variables?
  29. Which of the following is NOT true about a negative correlation between two variables?
  30. The mean score on a test will be LESS than the median score if:
  31. If the variance of a set of scores is 9, the standard deviation will be
  32. Alfred Binet’s most important contribution to psychology was in the area of
  33. Which of the following sets of scores has the greatest standard deviation?
  34. A test that is standardized must have all of the following attributes EXCEPT:
  35. The philosophical question about whether a test measures the concept it is supposed to measure (intelligence, personality, etc) relates to: