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Developmental Psychology // AP Psychology

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  1. A baby looks under the sofa for a ball that has just rolled underneath it. According to Jean Piaget, the baby's action shows development
  2. Mary Ainsworth's Strange Situation paradigm is typically used to test young children's
  3. A nine-year-old first learning about her capabilities on the playground and in the classroom would be in which of Erikson's stages of development?
  4. A normally functioning 65-year-old who cannot solve abstract logic puzzles as quickly as he did when he was younger is experiencing a
  5. In a famous series of experiments conducted by Harry Harlow, infant monkeys were separated from their mothers at birth. The infants were then given two surrogate mothers (a terry-cloth "mother" and a wire "mother"), each of which alternately had a nursing bottle that provided food to the infants. The experimental results showed that in frightening situations the infant monkeys
  6. The most well-adjusted and socially competent children tend to come from homes where parents employ which of the following parental styles?
  7. Which of the following is typically cited as a characteristic of autistic children?
  8. In their discussions of the process of development, the advocates of nature in the nature-nurture controversy emphasize which of the following?
  9. In the nature versus nurture controversy, "nature" refers to
  10. Mr. Hernandez explains to his son that the speed limit is 55 mph. He tells him to stay under the speed limit when driving because it's the law and will probably prevent accidents. Kohlberg's level of morality illustrated by this principle is
  11. A critical period is a stage in development when
  12. Which of the following is a similarity between the cognitive developmental theory of Piaget and the moral developmental theory of Kohlberg?
  13. According to Diane Baumrid, which of the following parental styles results in the most socially competent and responsible adults?
  14. The child was born with widely spaced eyes, a thin upper lip, and a short flat nose. Chances are that he will later suffer from mental retardation. To with teratogen was this child most likely exposed during the prenatal period?
  15. Which of the following theories best exemplifies continuity:
  16. According to Kohlberg's theory, post-conventional morality requires thinking at Piaget's:
  17. A failure to develop a consistent identity results in
  18. According to Kubler-Ross, the most common order of emotional reactions in preparing for death is
  19. In the __________ level of moral development, moral choices are determined by the direct consequences of actions.
  20. Which of the following most clearly demonstrates the existence of emotional attachment?
  21. Object permanence is to sensorimotor stage as conservation and reversibility are to
  22. Piaget is mainly known for studying
  23. Vygotsky's sociocultural theory suggests that a child's most important discoveries are guided by
  24. Conforming to the expectations of others or to socially accepted rules and values describes a person
  25. James was born with a condition that makes it impossible for him to metabolize certain proteins. Due to early screening and a special diet, he was able to avoid developing potentially serious symptoms. Which of the following disorders does James have?
  26. According to Jean Piaget, children begin to lose most of their egocentrism during which of the following stages?
  27. When parents set few controls on their children's television viewing, allowing the children freedom to set individual limits, make few demands, and do not punish for improper television viewing, the parents exemplify a parenting style referred to as
  28. __________________________ conducted the study with monkeys showing attachment was NOT just based on nourishment but instead on body contact. Design: Monkeys have 'Terrycloth Mother' and 'Wire Mother' in chamber. Bottle (Nourishment and Independent variable) would be shifted between Experimental and Control groups; monkeys always preferred terry cloth showing influence of body contact.
  29. A researcher dabs color on a 16-month-old child’s face and places the child in front of a mirror. Which of the following developmental milestones has been reached if the child realizes that there is something wrong with its face?
  30. Which Piagetian stage of cognitive development is characterized by mastery of conservation tasks?
  31. Habituation refers to:
  32. In order to create the Babinski reflex, one would need to:
  33. Jaime, a six month old, is fussy and does not transition well between situations. According to Alexander Thomas and Stella Chess, this behavior is part of Jaime’s
  34. Developmental research on the formation of attachment indicates that a child’s secure attachment to its mother during infancy is predictive of which of the following during its toddler years?
  35. Preschoolers often have trouble buttoning shirts due to less-developed