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Motivation and Emotion // AP Psychology

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  1. Homeostasis refers to
  2. Andy really likes the appearance of the Chevy Blazer his friend is selling, but knows he should be more conservative with his money since the truck is expensive. What type of conflict situation is he facing?
  3. Watching television "just to have something to do" or avoid boredom relates best to what theory of motivation?
  4. Which of the following most accurately reflects our current understanding of basic facial expressions?
  5. Selection of moderately challenging tasks characterizes the behavior of people who have a
  6. In the James-Lange theory of emotion, which of the following immediately precedes an emotion?
  7. Leadership, job satisfaction, and employee motivation are all studied in which of the following psychological disciplines?
  8. Theories of motivation that assert the existence of biological motives to maintain the body in a steady state are called
  9. Carla tutors other students because she likes to be helpful, whereas Jane tutors classmates strictly for pay. Their behaviors demonstrate the difference between:
  10. The polygraph or lie detector primarily measures which component of emotion?
  11. Intrinsic motivation occurs when
  12. The most critical physiological factor controlling hunger is the
  13. Which theory of emotion holds the view that bodily changes PRECEDE emotion and that we experience an emotion AFTER our body reacts?
  14. Which of the following is a secondary motive?
  15. The satiety system is to the feeding system as the __________ hypothalamus is to the __________ hypothalamus.
  16. The part of the autonomic nervous system responsible for restoring the body back to homeostasis and conserving energy is the
  17. According to the evolutionary theory, the goal of both sexes is to
  18. Pillard and Bailey’s studies on sexual orientation in twins showed that
  19. Which of the following factors may contribute to eating disorders in young people?
  20. ________ refers to the tendency of the body to maintain a certain level of body fat and body weight. It is a genetically determined ideal body weight.
  21. The ability to understand and control emotional responses is known as
  22. In animal experiments, those who received lesions to the amygdala were found to
  23. Susan volunteers at the local grade school to tutor students who need extra help in reading. She is not paid, but she loves to go each week, her behavior is an example of
  24. ________ is a form of motivation that plays an important role in survival and reproduction.
  25. Masters and Johnson contributed to the study of human sexuality by
  26. The fact that widely different cultures use the same facial expression to express an emotion would lead researchers to believe that expressions are _________
  27. According to _________, people around the world share and recognize at least seven basic emotions.
  28. Maslow defined ________ as the state in which a person seeks to move beyond basic human needs in the quest for the fullest development of their potential
  29. A polygraph test assesses all of the following except
  30. Women are different in men in their sexual responses in that they
  31. Which of the following are NOT in the limbic system?
  32. Damage to the ________ would be expected to render a wild animal tame and placid.
  33. Which two factors are emphasized by the two-factor theory of emotion?
  34. Maslow’s hieraichy of needs has been criticized because
  35. \'Lie detectors\' detect
  36. ________ proposed that emotions are the direct and immediate result of a changed physical state.
  37. It is well established that certain autonomic responses such as heart rate, perspiration, and respiration change under stress. In view of the fact that people generally have stronger autonomic responses when lying than when telling the truth, it follows that the polygraph would be a foolproof approach to lie detection. Which statement best explains why the polygraph is not more widely used in courtrooms and in testing of job applicants?
  38. During a psychology experiment, a researcher uses a probe to lesion (destroy) the ventromedial nucleus of a rat’s hypothalamus. After the procedure the rat most likely will
  39. Although he finds it to be difficult and not much fun, Tomas puts in long hours practicing field hockey in the hope of getting an athletic scholarship to college. This best illustrates the idea of
  40. Damage to which of the following brain structures may cause the inability to detect the emotional significance of facial expressions, especially those demonstrating fear?
  41. In Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, living up to one’s potential and striving for personal fulfillment are referred to as
  42. The humanistic perspective in psychology suggests that
  43. Which of the following terms is used in hunger and weight-control research to denote the concept that each person has a body-fat level that remains fixed and resistant to change?
  44. The two components of Schachter and Singer’s theory of emotion are
  45. Which two emotional theories both emphasize COGNITIVE interpretations?
  46. Alfred Kinsey used a method that allowed for extensive information to be collected from discussions with individual participants. The research method that he used, and his research contributions, were
  47. Research has shown that the optimal arousal level of an individual performing a given task is
  48. Leo and Caitlin are both experiencing feelings about their date tonight. Leo has had bad dates lately, and so he feels fear and dejection. Caitlin, meanwhile, has had very good dates, and so she feels excited and happy. According to Richard Lazarus’ appraisal theory,
  49. Paul Ekman found that when Japanese students watched films of surgery, they masked their expressions of disgust with a smile when an authority figure entered the room but not when alone. American students maintained their expressions of disgust both alone and in the presence of an authority figure. Ekman’s findings illustrate what he calls
  50. Which theory of emotion argued that awareness or cognition was not always present before an emotion was created?